From our family farm to your table: highest quality grassfed beef



Consistency in taste and tenderness

Consistency in taste and tenderness is a highest priority for us. Our beef is 100% grass fed and finished. We raise primarily the English breeds of cattle-Angus, Herefords and some Shorthorns-and crosses of these breeds. We use a managed intensive rotational grazing system with our cattle, paying close attention to our soils, the forages, livestock performance, and indicator species (earthworms, dung beetles, pollinators, etc.) which are working to build soil organic matter and improve water infiltration and soil microbial populations. We carefully select the choicest beef each week to guarantee the most satisfying eating experience for our customers.




Letting pigs express their “piggi-ness” 

At any given time we have heritage breed pigs, including Berkshires, Herefords, Hampshires, Yorkshires and Blue Butts (a York/Hampshire cross which are one of our favorites) as well as Durocs which are preferred by Bon Appetit Management Company for Case Western Reserve University. Our pork has a completely different flavor-it is NOT the other white meat. We’re pleased to work with a number of farm families to source our small feeder pigs and with our neighbors the Brannons (who also have the laying hens) to raise and care for the pigs on their farm just a mile up the road from us.




Delicious lamb is grown on grass-look for availability very late summer/early fall

We partner with an experienced shepherd who raises Shropshires, a very meaty breed with a rich flavor.  He too follows a natural method of growing lambs on pasture by keeping in sync with their innate breeding tendencies. The lambs are grass-finished, never getting any grain which results in a delicious mild-tasting meat with a pleasant mouthfeel.



Growing your turkey for the Thanksgiving feast!

Growing your turkey for the Thanksgiving feast!


Growing poultry and farmers, one bird at a time

Our meat chickens and turkeys are raised by the David Yoder family (Merlin’s father, sister and stepmother.) The Yoders use Merlin’s system including his mobile brooder/chicken house. They purchase the birds, buy the GMO-free feed from us and we buy back a portion of their production.

Egg Production is handled by Ron and Amanda Brannon, a young family with five boys who live a mile up the road. They care for our hens in our mobile coop with our feed. We get delicious eggs to sell and the Brannons sell eggs to other customers as well, building working capital for their own operation. This has been a truly rewarding experience as we watch their family grow and prosper through this joint venture.